XChat - это отличный IRC клиент для системы X Window, использующий набор инструментов GTK2+. Прекрасный дизайн интерфейса, удобные функции и легкие настройки являются отличительной особенностью этого приложения для общения. Поддерживает многосерверные подключения, настройку пользовательского интерфейса, скрипты (на TCL, Perl или Python) и плагины.
XChat is an IRC chat program for both Linux and Windows. It allows you to join multiple IRC channels (chat rooms) at the same time, talk publicly, private one-on-one conversations etc. It has a choice of a tabbed or tree interface, support for multiple servers, and a high level of configurability. Both command line and graphical versions are available, although use of the graphical version far outweighs use of the command line version. Even file transfers are possible.
X-Chat is a full-featured IRC client and includes all basic functionalities that are found in most other IRC clients, including CTCP, DCC file transfers and chats, and a plugin system for various languages (including at least C or C++, Perl, Python, Tcl, Ruby, Lua, CLISP, D, and DMDScript). By writing plugins, one can extend the features and customize the functionality of X-Chat.
X-Chat has two good features of usability: colored nicknames and alignment by text as opposed to alignment by nicks. When you read text, it's enough for eyes to notice the colors of nicknames, which they can do when they are focused to somewhere else near, and you may know at once who is writing. Colors are inobtrusive and there just 6 of them—not to burden your short-term memory. And eyes don't have to search for ends of nicknames, they can start reading text at once when text is aligned by the beginning.
This X-Chat for Windows version features:
* 41 language translations;
* encrypted connections using OpenSSL 0.9.8e;
* native IPv6 support on Windows with IPv6 stack;
* Perl, Ruby and Tcl language interface plugins for scripting;
* Winamp, DNS and EXEC binary plugins;
* various themes with graphical theme and font utility.
X-Chat runs on at least the following operating systems: GNU-Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, AIX, IRIX, Mac OS X, Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP and others.
Changes in XChat 2.8.7e (18/Jan/2009):
* Fixed a rare Auto-Nick-Completion (non-TAB key) crash.
* Fixed a possible crash if you clicked "Add to favourites" in the main text area, while the server-list window was open in the background.
* The setting added in the previous version: "/set -or gui_tweaks 64 will now turn OFF user list icons." will now properly remove the prefix character from the right-click menu.
* Added -on and -off parameters to the /SET command. This can be used to set bits, for example gui_tweaks.
* /set -or gui_tweaks 128 will now turn OFF the text attribute button.
Homepages: http://www.xchat.org/ Рус. язык: Нет
Размер: 1.98 Mb Скачать с ftp (UA-IX-1000 Mb/s): XChat_v287e.zip
Размер: 1.98 Mb Скачать с ftp (мир-100 Mb/s): XChat_v287e.zip
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XChat v2.8.7e
XChat - это отличный IRC клиент для системы X Window, использующий набор инструментов GTK2+. Прекрасный дизайн интерфейса, удобные функции и легкие настройки являются отличительной особенностью этого приложения для общения. Поддерживает многосерверные подключения, настройку пользовательского интерфейса, скрипты (на TCL, Perl или Python) и плагины.
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