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    «    Июль 2008    »

    Azureus Vuze v3.1.1.0

    Категория: Софт
     (Голосов: 2Опубликовано: 6 июля 2008
    Azureus Vuze
    Azureus Vuze v3.1.1.0

    Обновился Azureus Vuze - BitTorrent-клиент для быстрой загрузки файлов с поддержкой анонимного обмена данными по протоколам I2P и Tor ...
    Поддерживает мультизагрузку, настройку очереди/приоритета, докачку недокаченных фрагментов, поиск .torrent файлов, переключение языка интерфейса и многое другое. Кроме этого, программа расширяется плагинами.

    Для работы Azureus требуется виртуальная Java-машина. Обратите внимание: в некоторых вариантах Windows XP java-машины может не быть, и тогда Azureus сам предложит ее загрузить.

    New Features:
    Core | Added Auto Starting rule to seed large swarms first; useful when many overseeded torrents are in the queue or the upload capacity is far above average
    UIv3 | Friend Chat (double click on friend icon to chat)
    UIv3 | Ability to share content from your computer by dragging it to a Friend
    UI | Protocol overhead is now shown in the speed graph
    UI | Downloads can now be moved and renamed while running - torrent will be auto-paused
    UI | New \"rename\" action which renames torrent file, save file and displayed name at same time
    UI | Plugin log views now support autoscrolling, pausing and regex filtering
    UI | Plugin menu items which in the right-click menu now appear in the \"Torrent\" menu also
    UIv3 | Experimental option to use Mozilla/Firefox as browser widget on any platform (XulRunner or Firefox 3 must be installed)
    Plug | Added support for plugins to easily use an external configuration file for settings
    Plug | Plugins can now have full control over on-complete and on-removal file moving
    Plug | Added resource downloader to provide way to download files from Sourceforge
    Plug | Added API methods to generically pop up the message box to a user
    Plug | Added API methods to listen to download-complete events
    Plug | Added various convenience methods for using log views and config models
    Plug | Added API to allow native UI objects to be added to config views
    Plug | Added some more methods for plugins to control some transport mechanisms
    Plug | Added ability to add menus to status entry objects
    Plug | Plugins can now open files using default application handlers

    Core | Built-in plugins can now be disabled - it didn\'t work properly in earlier versions
    UI | Create Vivaldi views for each DHT in use
    UI | Added support for rotation in Vivaldi view
    UI | Peers view hostname column now sorts host names by the most significant part first
    UIv3 | Finished fixes for the new styled dialog which are now default in Vuze/Vuze Advanced
    UIv3 | Added friend icon next to activity entry
    UIv3 | New plugin bar look (removed arrows, added selectable list all plugin bar views)
    Core | added \"upload_only\" flag to AZMP/LTEP handshakes, disconnect any uploading_only peers we don\'t need / that don\'t need us when disconnect seeds when seeding is set
    Core | Further startup speed improvements
    Core | Speedup of various file batch operations (priority changes)
    Core | Added option to allow the removal of files linked outside the save directory when removing data
    UI | Column menu option to disable fast renaming in files view, changed fast rename to behave more like the windows explorer
    UI | In console UI, shrunk help text down to be more concise

    Corrected bugs:
    Core | Fixed bug which stopped downloads being stored in the chosen directory
    Core | Fixed bug which prevented torrent files from being moved properly
    Core | Reopening torrents does not delete files when setting some of the already existing files to DND anymore
    Core | Fixed bug which prevented UPnP mappings from being successful when a SOCKS proxy was used
    UI | Fixed bug where delete icon on toolbar was not present on OSX
    UI | Blank cells are now properly put at the bottom when sorting a table column
    UIv3 | Fixed bottom of list views not repainting properly
    UIv3 | Remove type headers when switching to date sorting
    Core | Made change so that plugins could not inadvertently turn off Azureus extension protocol
    Core | The UDP tracker client option has been nonfunctional for quite a while now -> fixed
    Core | Fixed various file-priority-change related bugs that resulted in error states

    Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/2003/Vista
    Язык интерфейса: Английский
    Лекарство: Не требуется

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 8.24 Mb
    Скачать в UA-IX (ftp): AzureusVuze_v3110.zip

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    Azureus Vuze
    Azureus Vuze v3.1.1.0

    Обновился Azureus Vuze - BitTorrent-клиент для быстрой загрузки файлов с поддержкой анонимного обмена данными по протоколам I2P и Tor ...
    Поддерживает мультизагрузку, настройку очереди/приоритета, докачку недокаченных фрагментов, поиск .torrent файлов, переключение языка интерфейса и многое другое. Кроме этого, программа расширяется плагинами.
    Размер: 8.24 Mb
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