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    «    Август 2008    »

    iTunes v7.7.1

    Категория: Софт
     (Голосов: 5Опубликовано: 4 августа 2008
    iTunes v7.7.1
    iTunes v7.7.1

    iTunes - Мультимедийный комбайн производства компании Apple "все-в-одном". Позволяет слушать музыку, включая передаваемую интернет-радиостанциями, смотреть видео, конвертировать медиафайлы, а также записывать музыкальные компакт-диски и DVD. Основные черты: многополосный эквалайзер, визуализация звука, создание "интеллектуальных" списков прослушивания, кодирование без пауз и с наложением, нормализация уровня громкости и очень многое другое, включая очень хорошее звучание плеера, удобный интерфейс и возможность копирования композиций в память портативного плеера Apple iPod.

    iTunes Jukebox
    Turn your CDs into digital files by importing them into iTunes. Then organize your collection — including iTunes Store purchases — into playlists.
    Since all your music and video lives on your Mac or PC, you can browse and play with a click — even flip through your album art.

    Meet iTunes, your own personal jukebox. With all your music and video a mere mouse click away, you’ve got complete control over every item in your collection. Import. Organize. Play. Watch. Burn. All from your PC.

    Start at the source.
    The Source List in iTunes shows you everything you can organize, play, or sync — from music and movies to playlists and devices. The Source List helps you manage your entire collection — along with your iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV — and it gives you quick access to whatever you want to watch or hear, including shared music on other computers on your local network.

    Put on a playlist.
    Creating a mix to match your mood is as easy as dragging music and video into an iTunes playlist. If dragging’s a drag, create Smart Playlists that automatically update according to criteria you set — say, music you downloaded in the last month or your highest-rated TV shows. And when it’s time to get the party started, click Party Shuffle and let iTunes play DJ.

    Browse cover to cover.
    Still like having that stack of CDs for visual reference? Then you’ll love Cover Flow, a feature that lets you flip through all your cover art just as you would a shelf full of CDs, DVDs, or books.

    Satisfy those burning desires.
    You created the perfect playlist. Now you want to listen to it in your car or take it to a party. One-click playlist burning in iTunes puts it on a CD in minutes.

    Dare to digitize.
    You’ve spent time and money building that CD collection. Give it the respect it deserves by importing it to iTunes. You won’t have to strain your fingers typing song names: iTunes pulls them from a giant database automatically. And once all your music goes digital, play anything you want, anytime you want. With a click.

    iTunes Store
    Imagine an entertainment superstore open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One that delivers anything you want, instantly. Shop the iTunes Store for music, movies, TV shows, iPod games, audiobooks, free podcasts, and more. And you can give as good as you get with iTunes gifts.

    Instant gratification means never having to go to the record store or wait for a CD to arrive in the mail. For just 99¢ each, the iTunes Store gives you high-quality songs that won’t disappear at the end of the month or ever. What you buy is yours to keep.

    Your favorite digital music store is also your favorite digital movie theater. Buy or rent hot new releases,1 best sellers, and library titles. Every movie you download from the iTunes Store plays at 640-by-480 resolution2 that looks great on your computer, iPod, iPhone, and TV.

    TV Shows
    The iTunes Store features TV shows from nearly every major network and cable channel. For $1.99, you can own the latest episode of your favorite show as early as one day after it airs. And — like everything from the iTunes Store — you can sync TV shows to your iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV.

    App Store
    Browse new games and applications on the App Store and sync them to your iPhone or iPod touch.

    Every audio and video podcast episode on the iTunes Store is free. With thousands to choose from and subscribe to, you’re sure to find podcasts that pique your interest.

    Buy a song for 99¢. Turn it into a custom ringtone — up to 30 seconds of any clip you like — for another 99¢. That’s $1.98 for a song you own forever and a ringtone you love.

    Buy audiobooks on the iTunes Store and catch up on your reading. From fiction to arts to biography — you can buy anything on the best-seller list and beyond.

    iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store
    Preview, buy, and download songs directly from your iPhone or iPod touch. Just find a Wi-Fi hot spot and shop for millions of songs for only 99¢ each

    iPod Games
    Get your game on with iPod games. Choose from popular games such as Tetris, Texas Hold ’Em, and Ms. PAC-MAN, or discover new games such as The Sims Bowling. At $4.99, each iPod game offers hours of fun.

    iTunes Gifts
    iTunes Gift Cards, gift certificates, and allowances let you give music and more. You can also buy and send individual songs, albums, custom playlists, TV shows, and movies to anyone with an email address.

    iTunes Syncing
    The moment you connect to your Mac or PC, iTunes syncs music and more. You can even sync iTunes Store purchases from your iPhone or iPod back to your computer. And thanks to wireless syncing with Apple TV, your iTunes library plays on your widescreen TV, too.

    You have music and video in iTunes. You have contacts and calendar events on your computer. You want to get it all on your iPod or iPhone. iTunes syncing does exactly that. And wireless syncing to Apple TV puts your iTunes library on the big screen.

    Sync to iPod.
    Move music and more from your computer to your iPod in seconds flat. Get at-a-glance information about what’s on your iPod, update iPod software, and control syncing from one place. iTunes even syncs purchases, ratings, and playlists on your iPod back to your Mac or PC.

    Sync to iPhone.
    To get your information and media onto your new iPhone, just connect it to your computer. iTunes syncs everything — ringtones, music, video, photos, applications, contacts, calendars, email accounts, even bookmarks — and lets you manage it all from the iPhone summary screen.

    Sync to Apple TV.
    Apple TV puts everything in your iTunes library — movies, TV shows, video podcasts, and music — on your widescreen TV. How does it accomplish this feat? By wirelessly syncing with your Mac or PC. Set it up once and everything syncs automatically, ready to play on the big screen.

    iTunes v7.7.1

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 63.53 Mb
    Скачать с ftp (UA-IX-1000 Mb/s): iTunesSetup.exe

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 63.53 Mb
    Скачать с ftp (мир-100 Mb/s): iTunesSetup.exe

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    iTunes v7.7.1
    iTunes v7.7.1

    iTunes - Мультимедийный комбайн производства компании Apple "все-в-одном". Позволяет слушать музыку, включая передаваемую интернет-радиостанциями, смотреть видео, конвертировать медиафайлы, а также записывать музыкальные компакт-диски и DVD. Основные черты: многополосный эквалайзер, визуализация звука, создание "интеллектуальных" списков прослушивания, кодирование без пауз и с наложением, нормализация уровня громкости и очень многое другое, включая очень хорошее звучание плеера, удобный интерфейс и возможность копирования композиций в память портативного плеера Apple iPod.
    Размер: 63.53 Mb
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