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    «    Июль 2008    »

    Ashampoo PowerUp v3.20

    Категория: Софт
     (Голосов: 1Опубликовано: 9 июля 2008
    Ashampoo PowerUp v3.20
    Ashampoo PowerUp v3.20

    Ashampoo PowerUp - это неплохая утилита для настройки и изменения множества скрытых параметров Windows 2000/XP/Vista. В Ashampoo PowerUp присутствует возможность изменения настроек таких популярных приложений, как Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office и др. Ashampoo PowerUp вносит определенные изменения в системный реестр и системные файлы, за счет чего изменяются некоторые, порой весьма важные, параметры операционной системы.

    Сделана Ashampoo PowerUp с учетом последних веяний моды - красивый и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, умеет создавать профили, чтобы при необходимости можно было изменить все заранее настроенные параметры одним кликом, есть диалоговая помощь; кроме этого, Ashampoo PowerUp умеет изменять параметры не только операционной системы, но и таких популярных приложений, как Internet Explorer, Outlook Express и MS Office.

    New Features
    • Fully compatible with Windows Vista™
    • Profile Assistant: Helps you to customize your system by modifying existing profiles
    • Profile Manager: Create, delete, modify and export your own configuration profiles that you can use to change all your system settings in seconds
    • Ready-to-use profiles: A set of professionally tuned profiles for super-fast optimization of your system
    • Profile export: Save profiles on external media and apply them independently
    • QuickStart Bar: Direct access to tweaks and settings for fast customization of your system
    • Automatic System Scan: Adjusts the presentation of all options to match your individual system requirements
    • Risk Level Monitor: Warns you about potentially risky settings
    • Rescue Center: Records all configuration changes you make and enables you to return to your original settings at any time
    • Processes: A management console provides detailed information on active processes and enables you to kill them if necessary
    • Services: Recommendations and configuration options for many Windows® services – improve performance by disabling unnecessary services
    • Benchmarking: Check your system performance with a detailed analysis and report
    • Profile Manager: Helps you to optimize system performance and behavior
    • System Diagnostics: Generates a detailed report on your computer’s components
    • Icon Manager: Saves the layout of the icons on your desktop so that you can restore it if it gets “messed up”
    • Skins: Three new skins to change the appearance and style of the program
    • Improved setting help: Context-sensitive pop-up descriptions of all settings provide all the information you need on every option
    • Improved Windows® optimization: For all system areas in Windows® 2000, XP and Windows Vista™
    • Many new settings: A wealth of new options for customizing and the Windows® user interface and enhancing performance
    • Online Update: Add new tuning options and solve issues and problems quickly

    Existing Features and Improvements
    • System Information: Analyses your hardware and software and displays a detailed report
    • Autostart: Configuration options for how Windows® starts
    • Windows® tuning: Direct access to hundreds of Windows® settings and configuration options with detailed information – many new options
    • Configuration profiles: Save your own Windows® configurations as “profiles” that you can load to reconfigure your entire system in seconds
    • Hidden Windows® options: Access many “secret” Windows® settings that are normally difficult or impossible to change
    • MS Office®: Configure hard-to-find Office settings quickly and easily (incl. support for the latest Office versions)
    • MS Outlook®: Configure permitted mail attachments for Microsoft Outlook® (incl. support for the latest Outlook versions)
    • Privacy: View, understand and configure Windows® functions and settings that can be critical for protecting your privacy
    • Hard disk acceleration: Display and adjust settings that control the performance of your hard disks
    • Registry clean-up: Quickly identify and eliminate old or invalid entries that are clogging up your Windows® Registry database
    • Wipe files: Delete sensitive files permanently so that even data recovery labs can never access their contents
    • IP spam blocker: Disable the Windows® messaging service that spammers often use to display annoying advertising on your desktop
    • Tuning Assistant: Comprehensive and safe system tune-up with just a few clicks, with automatic backups as a safety net
    • AntiSpy Assistant: Prevents unauthorized access to your personal data in Windows® and Windows Vista™
    • Uninstall Windows® components: Get rid of faulty Windows® components which cannot be uninstalled through the usual way anymore
    • Language Editor: Edit or translate all texts and menus displayed in the program

    What's New in This Release:
    · One-click tuning: For Office / Gaming / Media Editing / Resource Optimization
    · Multiple desktops: Create additional “desktops” and switch between them, running some programs on one desktop and some on another.
    · Click-and-send support reports: Collect all the system information support hotlines need and mail it to them in seconds.
    · SysInfo tools: View all the information about all the components in your computer.
    · Autostart programs manager: Check which programs start automatically with Windows and enable or disable them with a single click.
    · Taskbar control center: Access all tools whenever you need them with a handy taskbar tool.
    · XP firewall monitor: Keep track of the Windows® XP firewall’s settings and Internet connections.
    · Tasks and processes control: View all running tasks and processes and adjust their priority for optimum performance....

    Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
    Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage
    Дом. страница: http://www2.ashampoo.com/webcache/html/1/product_2_0505__.htm
    Лекарство: Присутствует

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 4.58 Mb
    Скачать в UA-IX (ftp): AshampooPowerUp_v320.zip

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    Ashampoo PowerUp v3.20
    Ashampoo PowerUp v3.20

    Ashampoo PowerUp - это неплохая утилита для настройки и изменения множества скрытых параметров Windows 2000/XP/Vista. В Ashampoo PowerUp присутствует возможность изменения настроек таких популярных приложений, как Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office и др. Ashampoo PowerUp вносит определенные изменения в системный реестр и системные файлы, за счет чего изменяются некоторые, порой весьма важные, параметры операционной системы.
    Размер: 4.58 Mb
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    Отзыв 1       10 июля 2008 13:12

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