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    «    Декабрь 2024    »

    KeePass Password Safe v2.15

    Категория: Софт
     (Голосов: 1Опубликовано: 11 апреля 2011
    KeePass Password Safe v2.15
    KeePass Password Safe v2.15

    KeePass Password Safe - удобный менеджер паролей. Хранит пароли или другие секретные данные в хорошо защищенной базе данных, позволяя при этом рассортировать их по группам. С помощью KeePass можно при необходимости распечатать базу данных, экспортировать ее в другие форматы (TXT, HTML, XML, CSV, ...), импортировать в другие форматы (TXT-файлы Password Safe v2, файлы CSV, ...), открыть и быстро вставить логин/пароль на веб-странице, производить поиск по базе, создавать стойкие ко взлому пароли и выполнять многие другие операции. Базы данных зашифрованы с использованием лучших и наиболее безопасных алгоритмов шифрования (AES и Twofish). Поддерживается расширение возможностей плагинами.

    Особенности программы:

        * A database consists of one file that can be transferred from one computer to another easily.
        * KeePass supports password groups, so you can sort your passwords.
        * Drag-n-Drop passwords into other windows.
        * Import from various formats like CSV, CodeWallet TXT and CounterPanes PwSafe1.
        * Export password list to TXT, HTML, XML or CSV files.
        * Print password list (complete database or only current view)
        * Fast copy password or user name to the Windows clipboard.
        * Searching in password database is possible.
        * KeePass can be translated into other languages very easily (currently English, German, French, Dutch and Swedish are available)
        * A strong random password generator (you can define the possible output characters).

    What's New in This Release:

    New Features:

        * Added option to show the master key dialog on a secure desktop (similar to Windows' UAC; almost no keylogger works on a secure desktop; the option is disabled by default for compatibility reasons).
        * Added option to limit the number of history items per entry (the default is 10).
        * Added option to limit the history size per entry (the default is 6 MB).
        * Added {PICKCHARS} placeholder, which shows a dialog to pick certain characters from an entry string; various options like specifying the number of characters to pick and conversion to down arrow keypresses are supported; see the one page long documentation on the auto-type help page; the less powerful {PICKPASSWORDCHARS} is now obsolete (but still supported for backward compatibility).
        * The character picking dialog now remembers and restores its last position and size.
        * KDBX file format: attachments are now stored in a pool within the file and entries reference these items; this reduces the file size a lot when there are history items of entries having attachments.
        * KDBX file format: attachments are now compressed (if the compression option is enabled) before being Base64-encoded, compressed and encrypted; this results in a smaller file, because the compression algorithm works better on the raw data than on its encoded form.
        * PLGX plugins can now be loaded on Unix-like systems, too.
        * Added option to specify a database color; by specifying a color, the main window icon and the tray icon are recolored and the database tab (shown when multiple databases are opened in one window) gets a colored rectangle icon.
        * New rich text builder, which supports using multiple languages in one text (e.g. different Chinese variants).
        * Added 'Sort By' popup menu in the 'View' menu.
        * Added context menu commands to sort subgroups of a group.
        * Added option to clear master key command line parameters after using them once (enabled by default).
        * Added application policies to ask for the current master key before changing the master key and/or exporting.
        * Added option to also unhide source characters when unhiding the selected characters in the character picking dialog.
        * Added ability to export custom icons.
        * Added 'String' trigger condition.
        * Added support for importing DataViz Passwords Plus 1.007 CSV files.
        * Enhanced 1Password Pro importer to also support 1PW CSV files.
        * Enhanced FlexWallet importer to also support version 2006 XML files (in addition to version 1.7 XML files).
        * Enabled auto-suggest for editable drop-down combo boxes (and auto-append where it makes sense).
        * Pressing Ctrl+Enter in the rich text boxes of the entry dialog and the custom string dialog now closes with OK (if possible).
        * Added option to cancel auto-type when the target window changes.
        * Auto-type on Unix-like systems: added support for key modifiers.
        * Added '--saveplgxcr' command line option to save compiler results in case the compilation of a PLGX plugin fails.
        * Added workaround for % .NET SendKeys issue.
        * Added workaround for Mono bug 620618 in the main entry list.

    Improvements / Changes:

        * Improved key file suggestion performance.
        * When the master key change application policy is disabled and the master key expires (forced change), KeePass now shows the two information dialogs only once per opening.
        * After removing the password column, hiding behind asterisks is suggested by default now when showing the column again.
        * TAN entries now expire on auto-type, if the option for expiring TANs on use is enabled.
        * Auto-type now sends acute and grave accents as separate characters.
        * Auto-type now explicitly skips the taskbar window when searching for the target window.
        * Multiple lines are now separated in the entry list and in the custom string list of the entry dialog by a space.
        * RoboForm importer: improved multiline value support.
        * Improved UNC path support.
        * Improved entry list refresh performance.
        * Improved UI state update performance.
        * Entry list context menus are now configured instantly.
        * Inapplicable group commands are now disabled.
        * Improved control focusing.
        * Improved clipboard handling.
        * Copying and pasting whole entries is now also supported on Windows 98 and ME.
        * Improved releasing of dialog resources.
        * Improved keys/placeholders box in auto-type editing dialog.
        * Improved user-friendliness in UAC dialogs.
        * Tooltips of the tab close button and the password repeat box can be translated now.
        * Improved help (moved placeholders to separate page, ...).
        * KeePassLibSD now uses the SHA-256 implementation of Bouncy Castle.
        * Upgraded installer.
        * Various code optimizations.
        * Minor other improvements.


        * Window titles are now trimmed, such that auto-type also works with windows whose titles have leading or trailing whitespace characters.
        * Detection of XSL files works under Linux / Mac OS X now, too.

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 2.01 Mb
    Скачать бесплатно (UA-IX-1000 Mb/s): KeePassPasswordSafe_v215.zip

    Поделиться с друзьями в социальных сетях:

    Ключевые слова:
    KeePass Password Safe, пароль, сохранение
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    KeePass Password Safe v2.15
    KeePass Password Safe v2.15

    KeePass Password Safe - удобный менеджер паролей. Хранит пароли или другие секретные данные в хорошо защищенной базе данных, позволяя при этом рассортировать их по группам. С помощью KeePass можно при необходимости распечатать базу данных, экспортировать ее в другие форматы (TXT, HTML, XML, CSV, ...), импортировать в другие форматы (TXT-файлы Password Safe v2, файлы CSV, ...), открыть и быстро вставить логин/пароль на веб-странице, производить поиск по базе, создавать стойкие ко взлому пароли и выполнять многие другие операции. Базы данных зашифрованы с использованием лучших и наиболее безопасных алгоритмов шифрования (AES и Twofish). Поддерживается расширение возможностей плагинами.
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    Автор: Agri  |     arrowПросмотров: 2194 arrow Комментарии 0 arrow Печать

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