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    «    Декабрь 2007    »

    Du Meter v4.0 Build R3009

    Категория: Софт
     (Голосов: 1Опубликовано: 1 декабря 2007

    Du Meter v4.0 Build R3009

    DU Meter - одна из лучших программ для подсчета реального входящего и исходящего сетевого трафика.
    Возможности: полностью настраиваемые объем трафика и предупреждения о времени модемного соединения; настраиваемая ежедневная, еженедельная и ежемесячная статистика (как по трафику, так и по времени соединения) с возможнотью экспортировать данные в форматы Excel, Word, HTML, Text и др.; выключение компьютера при понижении трафика ниже заданного минимума.

    If you have teenage children or if you own or manage a small business, you already know how hard it is to enforce certain rules for network usage, while respecting child's or employee's privacy. If you install DU Meter on your child's or employee's computer, you can configure it to report back to you via email when monthly or weekly network traffic exceeds a certain threshold. DU Meter will let you know if someone is breaking your rules (For example using peer-to-peer software to share films and music). Remember, you are legally responsible for what your kids are doing online. And while sharing music or videos may seem benign to them, copyright holding companies are suing peer-to-peer network users for thousands of dollars for copyright violations. DU Meter can alert you in time, so this kind of activity can be prevented.

    DU Meter - is nearly a complete rewrite of DU Meter. Here are some of the new and improved features:
    • Greatly improved user interface: All DU Meter windows and dialogs were re-worked, for better usability and aesthetics.
    • DU Meter mini mode: Quickly switch to mini mode to preserve your screen real estate.
    • Reduced latency and improved precision: In DU Meter 4.0, graph latency is reduced by 500ms in average. Also, DU Meter • • Stopwatch precision is enhanced.
    • Finer granularity of saved historic data: DU Meter 4.0 uses a real database engine, which allows for finer granularity of reports and alerts. Hourly network traffic reports are available.
    • Improved network traffic reports: DU Meter 4.0 has fully resizeable and sortable traffic reports, which can be exported to many different file formats (XML and Adobe PDF were added in this version, and reports in other formats have been improved too).
    • Charting capability: The DU Meter 4.0 reports module includes a customizable network traffic volume chart.
    • Periodic reports auto-generation: DU Meter can now generate reports automatically, either hourly, daily or monthly.
    • Greatly expanded alerts capability: long and short term, more traffic or less, incoming, outgoing or combined traffic, time span from seconds to month.
    • Receive alerts via e-mail: DU Meter 4.0 can deliver traffic volume alerts via email. Great for "set and forget" parental control.
    • Better selection of monitored network interfaces: Several network interfaces can be selected at once, full compatibility with IPv6 networks, and simplified selection of interfaces on Windows Vista, which defaults to all adapters but does not count the same traffic twice.
    • Full Windows Vista compatibility: DU Meter 4.0 is fully compatible with Windows Vista, including running under limited user account, and works correctly when User Account Control (UAC) is enabled.
    • Windows sidebar gadget: DU Meter 4.0 includes a gadget for Windows Sidebar (part of Windows Vista) which allows seamless integration with your desktop.
    • DU Meter system service: DU Meter 4.0 employs a Windows system service to collect network traffic statistics. Therefore it will work correctly even if nobody is using the computer, or when the DU Meter application is not running, or when several people are using the same computer at once.
    • Improved security model: When the user lacks administrative privileges, system-wide DU Meter settings cannot be changed. Therefore secure installation of DU Meter is possible, which, along with delivery of network traffic alerts, allows for unobtrusive and privacy-sensitive parental or management control.
    • Database management: Backup and restore data, or delete portions of the data stored in the DU Meter database.
    Improved presentation: A color scheme which blends better with Windows XP or Vista desktop, including better use of screen real estate.
    • Better integration with other programs: The DU Meter engine can be used by other 3rd party programs, via COM interfaces.
    • Still light system resources usage: Despite all these improvements, DU Meter still takes very little system resources
    • Many other improvements and bug fixes.

    Upgrade Information
    If you are a registered user of a previous version of DU Meter, we would like to remind you that this major upgrade is not free for everyone, and your serial number will not be accepted. You can purchase an upgrade license online, and deep discounts are available to our loyal users. You may also qualify for a free upgrade if you purchased DU Meter recently. You may also revert to the previous version if you so choose.

    To upgrade from DU Meter 3.x to 4.0, it is sufficient to simply install the latest version on top of the previous one, without uninstalling. DU Meter will import accumulated statistics from the 3.x database automatically. However, if you would like to use the improved security model of the latest version (where non-administrator users don't have access to system-wide options), we suggest you uninstall DU Meter version 3.x before installing the latest version.

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 1.86 Mb
    Скачать в UA-IX: DuMeter_v40BuildR3009.zip

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    Du Meter v4.0 Build R3009

    DU Meter - одна из лучших программ для подсчета реального входящего и исходящего сетевого трафика.
    Возможности: полностью настраиваемые объем трафика и предупреждения о времени модемного соединения; настраиваемая ежедневная, еженедельная и ежемесячная статистика (как по трафику, так и по времени соединения) с возможнотью экспортировать данные в форматы Excel, Word, HTML, Text и др.; выключение компьютера при понижении трафика ниже заданного минимума.
    Размер: 1.86 Mb
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