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    Adobe Acrobat Reader v9.2 Rus

    Категория: Софт
     (Голосов: 3Опубликовано: 15 октября 2009
    Adobe Acrobat Reader v9.2 Rus
    Adobe Acrobat Reader v9.2 Rus

    Adobe Reader - мощная программа для просмотра и печати документов формата PDF. Версии 6.x и выше поддерживают проигрывание встроенных в документов файлов QuickTime, Macromedia Flash, Real и Windows Media; распечатку документов через беспроводные сети и другие усовершенствования. Последняя версия работает также как дополнительный модуль (плагин) к браузеру.

    Основные возможности Adobe Reader 9.2:
    • Enhance interaction with PDF Portfolios
    PDF Portfolios provide easier navigation when you work with multiple PDF documents and other document types. Portfolios also enable you to work with a collection of materials such as drawings, e-mail messages, spreadsheets, and videos as a single file, which makes distribution, storage, retrieval, and collaboration easy for end users.

    • Work with Acrobat.com (beta)
    From Reader 9, you can go directly into Acrobat.com (beta), an exciting new set of online services from Adobe, to perform common tasks, such as:
    * Create up to five Adobe PDF files
    * Share and store documents on the web
    * Create and collaborate on a document in Adobe Buzzword®
    * Easily share your screen using Adobe ConnectNow

    You can also help colleagues, clients, and partners get on the same page at the same time with the ability to conavigate documents. Simply use Acrobat.com services to enable collaboration on a PDF file, and then distribute the PDF file and walk recipients through it in real time by controlling their page view.
    As an added convenience, Acrobat.com leverages Adobe AIR™, so you can interact with Acrobat.com from your desktop as well. Acrobat.com on Adobe AIR is a small application that is included with your download of Adobe Reader 9.

    • Interact directly with Adobe Flash® software
    Adobe Reader can natively display rich media content, enabling a new level of end-user interaction.

    • Realize more secure document workflows
    Better protect documents, forms, and drawings by leveraging Adobe LiveCycle® ES and Adobe Acrobat® software. Whether you want digital signatures for authenticity and integrity or document rights management for confidentiality, authorization, and accountability, Adobe Reader is the perfect solution.

    • Get more done with a simplified user interface
    View information more precisely and efficiently with the Adobe Reader user interface. Choose the reading mode to fit more content on the screen or the two-up mode to view page spreads without excess space in the middle. Zoom in, pan over, or leverage the loupe feature to take a closer look.

    • Search single or multiple PDF files
    Find and retrieve any PDF document or a phrase within a document in a matter of seconds. Search for words in page content, annotations, bookmarks, form fields, or document metadata within any PDF file on a local computer.

    • Complete forms online as well as offline
    Enable customers to confidently act on information — filling, saving, and electronically submitting forms.

    • Leverage CAD and geospatial functionality
    CAD designs or geospatial maps that have been converted to PDF offer Adobe Reader users access to CAD features, such as dimensions, or map features, such as longitude and latitude, for powerful collaboration and interaction.

    Additional features for IT managers, architects, and developers:
    • Enable Multilingual User Interface
    Adobe Reader MUI is Adobe`s Multilingual User Interface version. This product is capable of installing any combination of supported languages. So, for example, you can install French, German, and Spanish simultaneously, and then have the capability to switch among those languages within Adobe Reader. The user interface changes to the appropriate language on the fly.

    • Deploy Adobe Reader using industry-standard tools
    Quickly manage and control Reader deployments using the Adobe Customization Wizard, IBM Tivoli, Microsoft Systems Management Server, Windows® Group Policy Objects, or Active Directory. Centrally host Reader using Citrix Metaframe Presentation Server or Microsoft Windows Terminal Server.

    • Support extended teams across operating systems
    Deliver a reliable experience across operating systems. Reader supports a wide variety of operating systems, including Microsoft, Macintosh, Linux®, and Solaris™.

    • Enjoy support for security standards
    Reader supports leading security standards, including SOAP/WSDL, XSD, Kerberos, W3C XML digital signatures, 256-bit AES, OASIS WS-Security, HTTP/HTTPS, RSA, XML encryption, and ECMAScript for XML (E4X) in the javascript interpreter. Reader is also NIST PKI test-suite compliant.

    • Develop new capabilities
    Extend the functionality of Adobe Reader using the Acrobat software development kit (SDK), now available free of charge.

    • Leverage accessibility features
    Reader helps meet the accessibility requirements mandated by Section 508 of the amended U.S. Rehabilitation Act. Try the Read Out Loud capabilities, or change the reading order of pages or columns after PDF files are tagged to accommodate preferences.

    • Support international standards
    Reader supports the new ISO Standard 32000 for PDF. Also, Reader continues to support PDF/A, the ISO-approved standard for the long-term preservation of electronic documents; PDF/X (printing); PDF/H; PDF/E (engineering); XMP/RDF; and ODBC.

    Язык интерфейса: Русский
    Тип распространения: FreeWare
    Лекарство: не требуется
    Домашняя страница: adobe.com

    Скачать в UA-IX Размер: 25.88 Mb
    Скачать с ftp (UA-IX-1000 Mb/s): AdobeAcrobatReader_v92Rus.zip

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    Adobe Acrobat Reader v9.2 Rus
    Adobe Acrobat Reader v9.2 Rus

    Adobe Reader - мощная программа для просмотра и печати документов формата PDF. Версии 6.x и выше поддерживают проигрывание встроенных в документов файлов QuickTime, Macromedia Flash, Real и Windows Media; распечатку документов через беспроводные сети и другие усовершенствования. Последняя версия работает также как дополнительный модуль (плагин) к браузеру.
    Размер: 25.88 Mb
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    Отзыв 4       16 октября 2009 22:38

    Группа: Администраторы
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    Зарегистрирован: 28.02.2007
    то, что не работает во время кризиса не новость:)
    а вот, что прибыли не приносит - это факт:)

    Отзыв 3       16 октября 2009 20:40

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    она почемуто у мня неработает

    Отзыв 2       16 октября 2009 20:25

    Группа: Администраторы
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    Зарегистрирован: 28.02.2007
    а чтож там заценивать:)
    после 7й версии они все такие:)))

    Отзыв 1       16 октября 2009 20:21

    Группа: news
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    щас скачаем и за ценим

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