Create or remove a partition without reformatting your hard drive.
With DiskStudio, it's easy!
DiskStudio даёт Вам возможность создавать и удалять дисковые тома "на лету"! Хотите создать новый раздел для игр или фото? Хотите избавиться от этой старой OS 9 без резервного копирования и переформатирования раздела? Нет проблем.
How often have you wished that you could change the partitioning scheme of your hard drive, but not wanted to go through the trouble of completely erasing and reinitializing your hard drive to do so? Now, using DiskStudio, you are able to do this plus much more.
ImageWith DiskStudio you can:
* Add new partitions to your hard drive.
* Delete partitions previously created by Apple's Disk Utility or DiskStudio.
* Erase and reformat existing partitions in a number of standard formats.
* Completely erase and repartition an entire hard disk.
"A really slick, and quick, way to add or remove partitions non-destructively. Beats anything I have used before on either the Mac or the PC."—Joe Bailey, DiskStudio User
Use DiskStudio to:
* Install a new copy of Mac OS X, but keep your original copy intact.
* Install a completely different operating system, such as Mac OS 9, on a new partition.
* Create a partition to hold special projects, such as audio or video files.
* Create a partition to hold scratch space for programs such as Adobe Photoshop.
When a hard drive is first set up for use, it is partitioned into one or more logical volumes. These appear on your desktop as though they were separate drives. Using the standard disk tools that come with the Macintosh, there is no way to change this partitioning scheme without completely erasing the entire drive and starting over. With DiskStudio, this is no longer necessary.
DiskStudio provides the tools you need to control how information is stored on your hard drive. An easy to use, non-destructive disk partitioner has been requested by more of our customers than any other type of utility. DiskStudio fills this important need for Mac OS X. With DiskStudio you will be able to quickly and easily change the way information is stored on your hard drives as your needs change over time. With DiskStudio you are in control.
System Requirements:
* PowerPC G3 or better. (Beige G3 machines not supported)
* Mac OS X 10.3 or greater.
* 256 Megabytes RAM or higher.
* Check our Boot Systems page for latest system compatibility.
Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт Мы рекомендуем Вам использовать материалы найденные на сайте, исключительно в целях ознакомления. После ознакомления удалите материал и приобретите его у владельцев.
[MacOS] DiskStudio v1.6.1 + SN
Create or remove a partition without reformatting your hard drive.
With DiskStudio, it's easy!
DiskStudio даёт Вам возможность создавать и удалять дисковые тома "на лету"! Хотите создать новый раздел для игр или фото? Хотите избавиться от этой старой OS 9 без резервного копирования и переформатирования раздела? Нет проблем.
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