Super Flexible File Synchronizer - мощное приложение для синхронизации и резервного копирования фалов. Поддерживает синхронизацию с серверами по FTP - протоколу, работает с zip архивами, поддерживает кодирование данных, есть встроенный планировщик. На Windows NT / 2000/XP, планировщик может запускаться как служба - без необходимости входа в систему. Приложение позволяет сохранять параметры настройки во множественных профилях, позволяет задавать фильтры и маски для определения точных условий синхронизации. Smart функция позволяет временно пропустить файл, запущенный каким-то приложением, чтобы приступить к синхронизации позднее. Минимальная нагрузка CPU.
This software is used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP servers, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. On Windows NT/2000 or higher, the scheduler can run as a service - without users having to log on. This file synchronization tool features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in tree-views and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters.
Latest News:
* Several features in versions 2.70 and 2.80
* Version 3.00 can copy locked files on Windows XP/2003/Vista.
* Version 3.07 is now compatible with Windows Vista (build 5536 or higher)
* Build 490 contains an updated Help File.
Key Features
* Synchronize Files (between a PCs, laptops, servers)
* Multiple Profiles (jobs / sets of saved settings)
* No limit in the number of files or file sizes
* With Scheduler (for automated backups - can run as an NT service)
* Synchronize NTFS security settings (file permissions) and folder shares
* ZIP compression, encryption
* Access FTP servers, optionally with secure transfer (SSH,SSL/TLS)
(FTP and SFTP file synchronization)
* Detects Moved Files (when folders have been reorganized)
* Email Notification (optional notification of sync results)
* Exact Mirror Mode
(to create a mirror that matches the source exactly, even if that means
that files are deleted, or newer files are replaced with older ones)
* Keep Multiple Backup Versions Of Each File (optional)
* Database-Aware (can safely be used for database files)
* Can Use Recycle Bin for older versions of files that are overwritten
* Detailed Logging if desired (see Options tabsheet)
* and much more