Утилита для оптимизации системной памяти. Программа позволяет повысить производительность компьютера и защищает от сбоев. MemOptimizer контролирует систему в фоновом режиме и высвобождает память, когда это необходимо.
MemOptimizer Key Features:
When you run low on memory, your programs slow down and your computer can start displaying error messages -- or even crash.
MemOptimizer™ eliminates these hassles by automatically recovering memory from your system.
MemOptimizer™ strives to increase your system performance by performing four critical functions:
* Defragmenting your physical RAM By defragmenting your physical RAM, the layout of your virtual memory more closely matches the layout of your physical memory. This increases your memory cache hit rate and improves locality of reference for data, thereby increasing the efficiency of the L1 and L2 caches present on your processor or motherboard. * Increasing the amount of RAM available MemOptimizer™ attempts to reclaim RAM from the operating system and applications, so that when the application you are currently using needs memory, it is readily available. This avoids costly swap file access and paging, decreases load time and improves application performance. * Recovering memory leaks By recovering memory that was allocated and forgotten (leaked) by the operating system and poorly behaved applications, MemOptimizer™ can increase the amount of both physical and virtual memory available for use. * Flushing unused libraries and DLLs Many applications and portions of the operating system load libraries that are infrequently used or not used at all; to improve performance, MemOptimizer™ safely flushes these DLLs and libraries out to the system paging file, freeing up the RAM normally used by them. While in this state, they are immediately and transparently reloaded if needed. What's New in This Release:
* Added Quick Memory Recovery which uses Windows EmptyWorkingSet API call to recover memory from running processes. * Added Winodws 7 SP1 support. * Minor internal improvements.
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MemOptimizer v3.50
Утилита для оптимизации системной памяти. Программа позволяет повысить производительность компьютера и защищает от сбоев. MemOptimizer контролирует систему в фоновом режиме и высвобождает память, когда это необходимо.
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