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MadeForNet HTTP Debugger Pro v2.9

24 ноября 2008. Разместил: Eugene
MadeForNet HTTP Debugger Pro v2.9
MadeForNet HTTP Debugger Pro v2.9

SoftX HTTP Debugger - это удобный инструмент для перехвата, анализа и отладки взаимодействий по протоколу HTTP, осуществляемых между браузером на клиентском компьютере и удаленным web-сервером. Приложение позволит заниматься мониторингом и отладкой всех исходящих HTTP-запросов, отправляемых из браузера (или любой другой программы), а также отзывов генерируемых сервером. Пользователи смогут увидеть полный заголовок и содержимое любого запроса или отзыва HTTP. Кроме того, программа автоматически обнаруживает попытки автоматического перенаправления на посторонний сайт, а также перехватывает запросы, отправляемые установленными модулями (Flash, ActiveX и др).

MadeForNet HTTP Debugger Pro v2.9

If you need to view and analyze all of the HTTP traffic between a web browser or any program that uses the HTTP protocol and the web server, then HTTP Debugger is the program for you.

Web developers can view and analyze HTTP header parameter values, cookies, query strings, the source code of HTML/XML web pages and Java/VB scripts, error codes etc. They can measure the size and downloading time of their web pages and identify web site performance bottlenecks.

You can improve your web programming skills by viewing and analyzing how other web sites work and how they implement certain features.

Software developers can view and analyze the HTTP traffic of their own or any third party software program and the Internet, irrespective of whether this program is a user mode application or works as a Windows NT Service.

System and network administrators can analyze the behavior of suspicious web sites and view what information programs have sent from your computer to their owners (for example, during a registration or update procedure).

Want to see all browser http requests and server http responses? Need to analyze http headers and http content data? Try HTTP Debugger!

Web developers locate and eliminate website errors analyzing http headers, query strings, cookies, redirections, authorization headers, POST parameters and error codes.For each web page analyze the number of produced http requests and responses, its size, downloading time and speed.

Software developers analyze all http requests sent by own programs (C#, Java, VB, C++, Delphi, etc) and server responses. Analyze each http request and response produced by a web browser add-on, ActiveX component or Java applet.

System and network administrators analyze all outgoing http requests from your computers. Analyze each http request/response header and content data to see what information is sent by programs to the Internet.

HTTP Debugger Pro Key Features:
Full support of both 32-Bit and 64-Bit applications.
Decoding of HTTPS/SSL connections and gzip/chunked content.
Support of Dial-up modem, DSL/ISDN/Cable/LAN connections.
Support of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista
Language: English
Лекарство: имеется

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